english assignment (mr dadang iskandar)

assignment from general english page 94


Miyoko’s first stop on her flight from Tokyo to the United States was San Francisco(9). She expected to find the tall skyscrapers she had seen on postcards of New York(7). But San Francisco did not look anything like New York(3). For one thing, it is all built on hills(14). Many homes have view of the and ocean(5).
Miyoko especially liked the two bridges that cross San Francisco Bay(10). The Bay bridge is majestic(8). It crosses from San Francisco to Oakland(4). Even more beautiful is the Golden Gate Bridge, stretching from San Francisco to Marin Country(13). The Golden Gate Bridge separates San Francisco Bay from the Pasific Ocean (1).
After seeing the many hills and bridges, Miyoko was surprised to learn that San Francisco has a large Japanese population (12). She went to Japan center, where the buildings and restaurants looked familiar (2). Here she was able to talk with people in her native language (6). From them she learned that San Francisco is a most hospitable city for people from the Orient (11).

page 95

1. At the bottom professor John Mathewson had spaired his ankle. Partway up , he had lost his rope.When he was almost at the top ,his foot had slipped on a loose rock , and he had nearly fallen 1000 feet down the steep side of the peak.Finnally , professor John Mathewson crawled to the top f Mr.Everest.It had been a long, hard clib to the stop.

2. I found it hard to leave my home and travel to another land.This made some of my problems begin to vanish.For one thing , my father was not well.Then too , my mother wanted me to say close to my sister.I agruedthat two years of study abroad would help me a lot at things stage my career.Finally my sister offered to stay at home alone during my absence. This made some of my problems begin to vanish.

3. I had never seen such a lovely setting for house.standing at the edge of the road , I looked up he gently winding driveway that climbed to the front of the house.behind the house a hill rose sharply.The hill ended in a curved peak that seemed to frame the whole scene.Thehouse stood on a level space surrounded by tall oak trees.

4. Jose did not complete his mathematics examination yesterday.like many college students,he does not know how to use time profitably during an examination.He spent the first fifteen minutes of the hour working on the first often examination problems.He spent other minutes doodling on his test paper.

5. The sign reads , to the music room. Walking around the information desk to the left ,you will pass a children’s reading room.on your right.Then you will come to a hallway leading to the library’s music room.asyou enter the main door of the library , you will se the information desk directly in front of you.At the end of the hallway you will see a sign.

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